Different ways to wear eyeliner quickly and easily conform to the shape and their role - Eyeliner is one of the make tool that must be used when looking up, because eyeliner to reinforce and enhance the shape of our eyes. By wearing eyeliner properly will make the shape of the eyes become more assertive and sharp, but it is also a tool eyeliner makeup is very important for use in beautifying the appearance of companions, especially in the eye area.
Eyeliner consists of 3 types based on the type and usefulness, such as eyeliner pencil, liquid eyeliner and pencil eyeliner liquid and gel. You can try and choose the type of eyeliner to match your eye shape. Applying eyeliner is not easy, you also need to know the proper techniques and ways to wear eyeliner according to your eye shape. If wrong in applying your eye shape will look odd.
To avoid this, you should be able to try how to wear eyeliner quickly and easily below based on the type and usefulness :
- Draw lines in the friend eyelid, from the inner to the outer end of the eye (the other interesting parts of the eyelid tip eyeliner that gives more straight line when applying).
- Use eyeliner repeated for the second time. Starting from the center of the eye down to the corner of her eye. For those of you who want to make cat eyes makeup or Korean-style tapered outer end pull upward.
- To the bottom of the eye, apply eyeliner pencil tip by pulling the lower eyelid. When using open mouth so that the eye muscles more supple, and wipe it with a cotton tip eyeliner pencil that seemingly softer when applied to the eye.
- You can apply eyeliner pencil to draw the way leading to the upper eyelid to ease the time will form the eye line. After that draw a line as close to the lash line, in order to seem more natural and eye shape will look more assertive.
- In applying liquid eyeliner you can try to make sure first if the clot does not brush before applying it on the eyes of friends. After that time will form a line, make sure friends do not shake hands and swaying. To make it easier to form a neat line, a friend can make his mark at a point along the line your eye. Then make a straight line in a single movement.
- If a friend has a friend liquid eyeliner pencil to apply similar to liquid eyeliner, only the packaging is just that much easier and practical. While the form of gel eyeliner, gel eyeliner can take a friend with eyeliner brush, a little, usually tapered shape and thin brush. After that apply on eye companions. Its use is similar to liquid eyeliner.
That's a variety of ways to wear eyeliner with precise and easy, for those of you who are still confused with how to wear eyeliner, please see guidelines on how to wear eyeliner in the form of the following video:
This was a very good blog, very helpful...thank you! eyeliner tips