Articles this time i will give various ways make scrub by using natural materials which is safer and free from materials containing chemicals. Want to know natural materials everything that can be used to make scrub natural? Have a look in articles following this gonna give way make scrub natural to face oily and pimpled:
- Zaitun Oil For friends have a face skin dry, you can try to use oil olive or olive oil to remove dung particles on face skin and give humidity on the skin texture dried. How by mixing 2 teaspoon olive oil with 2 teaspoon sugar into a container or bowl. After that rub and massage gently to the face, let sit for approximately 10 minutes. Then rinse with warm water until clean. Do routinely to make leather into not dry and soft.
- Salt Salt beneficial to fix skin cells dead, increase circulation and can sublimate of the face. Therefore, to as herbs, salt can also used to treat beauty the skin. How mix together 1 cup brine with olive oil, after that add 5 drops an essential oil. Then stir up to equally. After that dab and massage face gently, let sit for several minutes until oil percolate on face skin. Rinse with warm water and wipe with little towel to dry.
- Lemon For friends having the advance oily, you can make scrub by using fruit lemon. Fruit containing lemon vitamin e may benefit to keep, humidified, and balancing mineral required by the skin. How also very easily just by preparing 1 fruit lemon, then press. Then the results distillation get mixed with salt water. Apply them to face with movement massaging from the bottom up. Let sit between 10-15 minutes then rinse with clean water.
- Sugar Sugar is the chief ingredient to make scrub beneficial to lift skin cells dead and make leather are garnished and glow. you can make scrub of sugar home by means of mixing 1 tablespoons of sugar with olive oil, then add gel tongue crocodile or honey. After all, material mixed pour scrub on the palms, then dab on the surface face with a massage soft circular. Let sit during 5 to 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water until clean. Scrub it may be used for the care of the face and body.
- Honey Honey efficacious as an antiseptic that can be deadly bacteria and preventing infection beneath the skin, contains vitamins c, because honey magnesium and amino acids. How by mixing 2 teaspoon honey with 2 teaspoon sugar, then apply them to the faces evenly and massage with soft with a twisting motion. Let sit during 15 to 20 minutes, then rinse with clean water.
- Coffee The content of caffeine that is contained in coffee can help to breaking down the fat under the skin surface. Sahabat can try to make scrub coffee with way to 1 hand-held kopi powder and mix together with 2 teaspoon granulated sugar. Then pour a little bit warm water and let sit for a few hours. After that dab scrub the coffee to the whole surface of the face, let sit for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water until clean.
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