Saturday, May 4, 2013

How to Eliminate Acne Scars Naturally And Easily

Various Ways to Remove Acne Scars naturally and easily - Acne is clogged pores, causing an inflamed sac of pus. Acne usually accompanied by pain and red on the skin, then acne will cause acne scars are difficult to remove. Acne scars is something that will ruin the appearance and confidence, for that those of you who have problems with acne scars do not worry because I will give you how to get rid of acne naturally.

Acne scars will generally brown or black, and usually takes a long time so that the acne scars completely disappear from the face of a friend. It also needs regular maintenance in order to acne scars disappear quickly. Before discussing more about how to remove acne scars, you better informed so that acne is not following the former's death:

** So that no trace Acne :

Diligent Cleaning Face
To prevent acne no trace, should start from now make it a habit to clean and wash your face at least 2 times a day. Because water is believed to help keep the skin moist for the regeneration of the facial skin.

Avoid Direct Sunlight
When you are having problems with acne, you should avoid being exposed to direct sunlight, because UV excess will have a direct impact on the new skin recover from acne. That is because the skin tissue caused by acne are formed is still thin and very vulnerable when exposed to UV light..

Do not Squeeze Acne
So that acne does not cause scars on the skin, it's best to avoid in order not to squeeze pimples, because if solved will cause acne black scars on the skin. Additionally sap of fractional acne generally contain bacteria that can lead to other parts of the affected nodes will make acne pimples reappear in another place.

Once you know that acne does not cause scars on the skin, then you can look at various ways to remove acne scars naturally and easily below  :

** How to Eliminate Acne Scars

Besides cassava can be used as a substitute for rice, it is also useful for removing stubborn acne scars. The trick is to take a piece of sweet potatoes, then peel the skin, and scarring. After that squeeze the cassava to exit the water. Was then brush the juice on the acne scars. Do it every day for 1 week, it is regularly the acne scars will be reduced.

Papaya fruit commonly used as an ingredient of beauty, because papaya contains papain which is an enzyme that can reduce inflammation in the skin. you can use it in a way to consume directly or by using a mask to remove acne scars. The way is easy, that is by applying mashed papaya beforehand on the facial area until dry, then let stand for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with clean water.


Tomatoes have a rich content of vitamin A and is used to stimulate the production of collagen, so the skin can heal acne scars. You do this by slicing the tomatoes and put on the acne scars. Do this at least 2 times a day, and you can see the difference in your face.

Honey has antibacterial benefits and can soften the skin, to the friend can use honey to remove acne scars, by applying honey on the area around the acne scars, and massage for several minutes. After that, rinse with warm water to clean.

Besides cinnamon can be used as cooking ingredients, can also be useful for removing acne scars. It's easy, just by mashing a few sticks of cinnamon bark up into powder, then mix with a little water. Then brush on acne scars, do it for 1 week on a regular basis.

Thus how to naturally remove acne scars easily this time, hopefully this article can help remove acne scars on your face. Thank you for your attention and good luck. ^ ^

1 comment:

  1. I recently only using the tea tree oil but maybe i should try this since recommended


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